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Charlie Plaza
Jun 13, 20245 min read
The Ultimate Guide to Purchasing a Baby Parrot
This guide helps you take into account important factors when purchasing a baby parrot, whether through local breeders or online platforms.

Charlie Plaza
Sep 23, 20215 min read
My Bird Loves French Fries, What should I Do?
I received a question from one of our awesome customers the other day asking if French Fries were okay to give to her pet African Grey....

Charlie Plaza
Sep 13, 20213 min read
Do Cockatiels make good first pet birds?
We all have heard that Cockatiels make great pets. But, do they? Let's discover these birds together as we go on this 4 minute read journey!

Charlie Plaza
Sep 8, 20214 min read
I Want a Bird That Talks!
"I want a bird that talks" is probably one of the questions that I get most often. Rightly so, parrots are probably the only animal/pet...
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