Gouldian Finches
These diminutive birds may only measure up to 5.5 inches in length, yet they boast the personality of a titan. Renowned for their striking beauty, these remarkable birds come from Australia. They are a joy to keep as pets and they are perfect birds for apartment and homes where a quiet bird is important. Here are a few key points to consider when keeping a Gouldian finch in your home:
Gouldian Finches thrive on a balanced and varied diet. Here are some key components to include:
Seeds: A high-quality seed mix specifically designed for finches is essential. This should include a variety of seeds such as millet, canary seed, and niger seed and other small seeds. There are seeds that are pre-mixed such as Higgins Vita Seeds and Abba Finch seed that are of fresh good quality of brands that can be trusted.
Vegetables: Fresh vegetables like spinach, kale, and broccoli can be offered in small amounts. I typically use a veggie clip that we sell on this website and clip the piece of veggie onto the side of the cage for them to enjoy. Be sure you was the vegetable with cold water before feeding to remove any dirt, parasites and pesticides from the food.
Fruits: Small pieces of apple, pear, and berries can be given occasionally. Avoid giving fruits more than 2-3 times a week to avoid the sugars. Just like the veggies, I use the veggie clip to place the piece of fruit onto the side of the cage for the birds to enjoy.
Protein: During breeding or molting, additional protein sources like egg food or mealworms can be beneficial. This will stimulate them to breed and will help them keep the weight during the stressful period of their lives. It also helps them raise their young by providing their babies with the needed extra protein and fats they will use for their development. A great prepared egg food I highly recommend is the CeDe Premium Egg food. Birds love it and it's super easy to store and prepare.
Calcium: Cuttlebone or mineral blocks should be available to ensure they get enough calcium. You can also add calcium several times a week to their water. This ensures they replenish their calcium levels when producing eggs which is very draining on the hen's source of calcium. I recommend the Vetafarm Calcivet which is very simple to add to the water or egg food.
Water: It’s extremely important to provide fresh water daily.
Cage and Accessories:
Properly housing Gouldian Finches involves creating a safe, comfortable, and stimulating environment. Here are some key considerations:
Cage Size: Gouldian Finches are very active birds that need space to fly and exercise. A cage that is at least 2 feet by 1.5 feet by 1.5 feet is the minimum size for one pair. Of course, the bigger the cage, the better for the birds as they can fly for an extended period of time and longer distances creating endurance and developing their flight muscles.
Bar Spacing: The bar spacing should be no wider than half inch to prevent the finches from escaping or getting stuck. This is important because birds will escape or get injured in a cage with wider spacing.
Cage Material: Ensure you get a cage made of stainless steel or powder-coated metal, as these materials are durable, do not rust and are easy to clean and disinfect.
Perches: It is extremely important to get a variety of perches of different sizes and textures to stimulate your finch’s feet. Remember that finches eat, play and sleep on their feet 24/7. It is very important to provide different size and shapes like natural branches such as eucalyptus or fruit tree branches to exercise their feet.
Nesting Boxes: If you plan to breed your finches, provide nesting boxes with dimensions around 6 x 6 x 8 inches, placed at the highest point of the cage. You can provide nesting material inside the nest box and they will re-arrange it to their liking. Nesting material should be natural grasses such as hay, alfalfa, palm leaves or coconut fibers.
Lighting: Ensure your finches get 12-14 hours of daylight. Full-spectrum bird lighting can be beneficial as it simulates natural sunlight. Remember that birds regulate their sleeping, eating and breeding habits based on daylight. That is their internal clock.
Temperature and Humidity: Maintain a temperature between 72-84°F and a humidity level of 40-60%. Gouldians are very sensitive to the cold. If you see your bird fluffed up for long periods of time, that may be a good sign that it may be too cold.
Bathing: Provide a shallow water dish or mist your finches daily to help them keep their feathers clean. These little finches are proud to display their perfectly colored feathers and this is how they keep them clean and healthy.
Creating a suitable environment for your Gouldian Finches will help them thrive and stay healthy.
Breeding Gouldian Finches:
Breeding Gouldian finches is a remarkable experience that you will never forget if you are successful at such. There is something magical that happens when you get your first Gouldian finch egg and see this little bird hatch and develop into adulthood. This project requires very careful planning and attention to details that other birds may not require. Lets explore some key considerations:
1. Healthy Breeding Stock: You must choose healthy unrelated pair to avoid genetic issues and to raise healthy chicks. Look for birds that are active, have bright plumage and show absolutely no sign of illness. It is important to consider things like lineage, conformation, size of the birds and genetic compound. The only way you will know some of these things is if you choose a reputable breeder that keeps good records and can tell you if a bird is split to what color.
2. Nesting Conditions: Provide a suitable nest box (see Nest Boxes section above) and nesting materials. The cage must be in a quiet, secluded area where the birds are not disturbed by other pets, humans, loud noises or heavy traffic. This is extremely important because Gouldian finches are very nervous creatures. Remember that their bright plumage means that they have a lot of natural predators that can easily spot them. When they are breeding, they are vulnerable to predators so, unless they feel fully comfortable and free of dangers, they will not breed, sit on their eggs or even successfully raise their young. At any cost, avoid disturbances.
3. Diet: See the section above on diet. However, during breeding season, provide small mealworms to induce breeding behavior and to help raise strong chicks .
4. Temperature and Humidity: During breeding season, increase the temperature between 78- and 84-degrees Fahrenheit. Humidity should also be increased between 60 -70%.
5. Breeding Behavior: This is a sight to see. The male dances for the female jumping up and down and singing a quiet but distinct melody showcasing his majesty. The female will respond by vocalizing a chirp sound, accepting the invitation to mate. If you have never observed this ritual, you will be in amazement of how comical this is. When this happens, you will see eggs shortly thereafter.
6. Eggs and chicks: Gouldian finches typically have about 4-7 white eggs per clutch. A clutch is the group of eggs that they lay and incubate at the same time. These clutch is incubated for about 14-15 days from when they start incubating (not from the first laid egg). After they hatch, both parents care for the chicks for about another 20-30 days until a week to ten days after they fledge or leave the nest. By this time, they are between 4-6 weeks of age.
There is much more to know about breeding Gouldian finches however, you now have a good grasp on the basics and are ready to start. I am always available to answer any questions you may have. You can use the Contact Us page to send me a message. I usually respond within 24-48 hours. Soon, I will add to this post the nuisances and how to trouble shoot the issues you can encounter when breeding Gouldian Finches. So, check back soon. I hope you have a successful breeding season!