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How to Guide: Hand Feeding Baby Birds

Writer's picture: Charlie PlazaCharlie Plaza

Updated: Jul 26, 2024

By Charlie Plaza,

Hand-feeding baby birds is a specialized skill that should be learned under the guidance of an experienced aviculturist before attempting it alone. It is crucial to recognize that baby birds are living creatures that require the utmost care and respect. The process of hand-feeding is critical, as the bird's life hinges on the precise execution of these specific instructions. These young birds are highly delicate, and improper handling can lead to death within seconds.

Hand feeding baby Ringnecks
Baby Indian Ringneck Parrot

Below you'll find the main points discussed in this article. At the end of the article, you'll find videos showing everything listed on this article.

Main Points:

  1. Before you start: Understand the time commitment of up to every 2 hours around the clock for several weeks.

  2. When to Start Hand Feeding: Optimal age to start hand feeding is between 2-3 weeks of age depending on the species.

  3. How often to feed: The feeding schedule is dependent on the type of bird but as a general rule, we want to stay consistent as soon as the crop empties, we refill it.

  4. How much to feed: Usually, we want to feed the baby about 10% of the body weight in formula. You do not want to feed too little that the bird does not get what it needs or too much that will overly stretch the crop and cause issues. The crop should feel like a soft balloon filled with water.

  5. What to feed: I usually recommend to feed a commercially available formula such as Kaytee Exact, Hagen Hari Tropican or Psittacus hand rearing formula.

  6. What utensils to use: I recommend using a syringe with a soft tip to avoid puncturing the baby's delicate esophagus or air sacs.

  7. How to prepare the formula: The formula should be mixed with hot water above 115 degrees Farenheit (F) and then let coll down to 110 degrees F and fed to bird between 104 - 110 degrees F. Consistency of the formula should be on the thicker side of runny apple sauce.

  8. How to feed baby: The syringe should always be placed on the left side of the birds beak pointing downwards towards the right touching the side of the birds beak forcing a feeding jerking reaction. Then, slowly, begin feeding the baby.

How to hand feed a baby parakeet
Baby Hand Fed Parakeet

Before you start hand feeding a baby parrot

Before you commit to hand feeding a baby bird, make sure that you understand the amount of work, time consumption (as often as every 2 hours around the clock) and high level of risk that you are undertaking. Feeding a baby bird is not easy and it needs to be left for the professionals and highly trained individuals. But, if you choose to take this on, you must commit and be willing to invest time, work and money should something go wrong, and the bird needs medical attention.

Starting Hand-Feeding process

I recommend initiating hand-feeding of chicks at 2-3 weeks old, depending on the species. Beginning sooner provides no advantage while their eyes remain closed. It's actually better to keep the chicks with their parents during this delicate phase. Additionally, there are health benefits to allowing them to build antibodies from the parent's crop milk while being fed. When they are 2-3 weeks old and their eyes start to open, that's the appropriate time to begin hand-feeding.

Starting hand-feeding process and how often

The basic guideline is to ensure the crop is completely empty before feeding the baby bird. At three weeks old, the baby should be fed every four to six hours, totaling five to six feedings per day. The frequency may vary with different species, but it's crucial not to let the crop remain empty for extended periods, as this can weaken the baby. Additionally, always allow the crop to empty before the next feeding; never refill the crop if it still contains food, as this can lead to spoilage.

How much to feed

Adhering to the manufacturer's guide and instructions is crucial when feeding baby birds. Generally, feeding them 10-12% of their body weight in grams is advisable. For instance, a baby bird weighing 150 grams should be fed 15 cc's of formula. Please be aware that underfeeding will require more frequent feedings. Overfeeding, on the other hand, can overextend the crop's elasticity, preventing it from contracting properly to empty. Should this occur, it is critical to seek veterinary care promptly to avoid further complications.

How to hand feed baby quakers
Baby Lutino Quaker Parrot

What to feed baby birds

I recommend using commercially available hand-feeding formulas such as Kaytee Exact, Hagen Hari Tropican, or Psittacus Hand Rearing Formula. These have been proven to yield excellent results in the health and growth rate of baby birds, eliminating any guesswork or room for error. I have used Kaytee Exact and Hagen Hari Tropican for years and have encountered no issues.

What utensils to use to hand feed baby birds

I firmly believe that a syringe with a soft tip is the ideal tool for hand-feeding. It not only allows you to control the feeding pace and contain the formula, but it also makes it easy for the baby bird to eat safely. While some people opt for a bent spoon, a sharp plastic syringe, a crop feeding tube, or other tools, I don't use them, even though they have their advantages. For instance, spoon-feeding can foster a stronger bond between the bird and its owner, as it emulates the natural feeding response from the bird's parents. However, this method can be quite messy, leading to spilled formula on the bird's face, feathers, and surroundings, which can promote bacterial growth and other potential problems. Additionally, spoon-feeding is a slower process, which may cause the formula to cool, posing further challenges.

How to prepare the formula for baby parrots

Again, I believe you should follow the manufacturer's instructions. I usually heat water in the microwave to about 120 degrees Fahrenheit. I add the powdered formula in the hot water and stir until a bit thicker than runny apple sauce. Then, I use a thermometer to stir the formula to ensure there are no hot pockets and let it cool down to 110 degrees Fahrenheit before feeding the baby bird. If the formula is too cold, it can prevent the crop from starting the digestion process and if it's too hot, it will burn the delicate lining of the crop.

How to feed baby birds

Hand feeding Sun Conures and baby lovebird
Hand feeding Sun Conures and baby lovebird

Position the syringe to the left side of the bird's beak, angling it downwards towards the right and making contact with the side of the beak to induce a feeding response. Proceed to feed the baby bird gently. It is crucial not to force the baby bird to swallow the formula. Allow the baby to display the head bobbing jerking motion, signaling it is ready to feed. Care must be taken to avoid aspiration, which can lead to respiratory infection or, in severe cases, the death of the baby bird.

Video showing a baby bird being hand fed

In these videos, I show you step by step from making the formula to feeding the baby birds. Let me know in the comments your thoughts.

In this video, I show you how to prepare the formula.

In this second video I show you how to feed a baby bird

Third Video feeding another baby bird


Feeding a baby bird requires patience, effort, and knowledge. It's advisable to seek assistance from a breeder for this task. This brief article hasn't covered everything; there will be additional follow-up articles providing more details on hand feeding, potential problems and their solutions when hand feeding, and information tailored to specific species. Keep visiting, as new content is regularly added to the website!

At we pride ourselves in the way we breed the best quality birds, hand feed and hand rear baby birds and socialize the same to ensure you get the best possible companion pet bird for years to come. Check out our large selection of babies by visiting our website. We are located in Orlando, FL for local pick up or we can ship all over the USA except Alaska and Hawaii. For more information, use the Contact Us page.

If you have any specific questions, please comment on this post.

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